July 27, 2016


In both scripts and life, personality traits tell us a lot about people. A casting brief, for example, could say the character is “loud and sarcastic” or “quiet and loyal” to help you prepare for the role.That’s not ALL the character is, but it tells you key things about them. The same goes for personality traits in people that we meet, and also in ourselves. Considering the personality traits that make great actress, then, means we can find them around  and use them to help hone aspiring craft“
The person needs to be comfortable with being seen and heard,” she tells Clare, later adding that “it’s got to be someone who’s got a keen interest in humanity and what goes on as well
.”An interest in psychology of the self is also important, as Clare points out during our conversation, as well as the ability to self reflect and open yourself up in front of people so that they can connect to you and the reality of the situations you’re exploring.When acting works it’s because it’s recognizable
,most people stay within an “incredibly small bandwidth of their potential and resources”. With lines, for example, some actresss get into the (bad) habit of thinking there is a specific way to say them or a goal to achieve. But adela says moving beyond your usual “bandwidth” or staying open-minded is more rewarding.
“I think it’s great to take away the idea that there is some set path or form that line should take, and therefore the person’s trying to find their way to ticking the box and going ‘oh, that’s okay now’,” she says.

Acting technique is paramount to anyone wanting to be a serious actress. It's quite easy to imitate a character or even an emotion, but where's the depth in that? How can you sustain or repeat again what you might have found intuitively? Do you even know what you did or how you did it?

The technique, however, will help you find a character, which in turn informs how you approach the text/script/written word. How do you bring the dialogue alive? How do you know what choices to make? The goal of a talented gifted actress is to become a fully realized three-dimensional character, with a rich backstory. I must believe the character you play is truthful and not a cliche, a caricature, a thin external representation of someone who barely resembles a human being. I must believe what you say is real and that you're not reciting, spouting or commenting
over the years, I have adapted into 10 key acting questions every actress should answer in order to be a fully rounded and connected actress
1. Who am I?
2. Where am I?
3. When is it?
4. Where have I just come from?
5. What do I want?
6. Why do I want it?
7. Why do I want it now?
8. What will happen if I don't get it now?
9. How will I get what I want by doing what?
10. What must I overcome?


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