November 30, 2016


She has been such an enormous inspiration to many upcoming female film makers in her home country lebanon. with her present movie FORGIVENESS that has channel her through various top notch world class movie festivals around the world .she is a force to be reckon with as far as film making is concern . you can never tell how deep is her inspirations and talent until you  watch the FORGIVENESS .Check out the trailer!


The ripped jeans nation blog happen to meet with this outstanding filmmaker while she was on another short film festival in Buea South west Region of Cameroon.  now lets get to find out more about this film-making talents of such a high magnitude that her short film continues to resonate around every festival around the world that her film penetrated. viewers and audience are always in the OMG  mode when watching her movie. even i myself was in total suspense with just the trailer.
Rima has won multiple awards this 2016 which looks like she is a nonstop movie making train .
who is actually Rima Irani  here is a flip page  of her background why she is unique and originality speaks in her movie content and storytelling .
Filmmaker and Producer
Lebanon fine Art.Theater performance and tv, previous work with Aljeezera media network, studied at national guild of hypnotist NGH, 18 years experience in theater performance and Tv, hair and make up artist with Aljeezera media network from January 2011 to July 2011(7 months) Doha Qatar, Air hostess with Kuwait Airline from November 2000 to 2002
 she hold a master degree in artistic make up, special effects and cinema
graduated from lebanese film academy in cinematography,filmmaking, the workflow,lighting,color grading,from 2013 to 2015
Milo beauty institute a master degree in aesthetic/esthetic and skincare specialist in 2006 to 2008. A hair stylist, body treatment specialist and design.
she has just added another masters in cinema from Holy Spirit University this 2016 where she produce her forgiveness movie . 
Rima Irani is rooted with various professional skills in theater cinema,special effex, make up artistry,acting, editing, arts direction, wardrop,and hypnotherapy. she is an embodiment of a total package in the filmmaking industry.competent to stand on any global platform and execute her  skills and profession with high caliber of professionalism.multiple awards from all direction has been flowing in her hands .from Europe Asia Africa to America .Here is a run down of various festivals and awards that has get into her filmmaking career.Artscity shortfilm festival Buea cameroon >best experimental award.
 International Film Festival : Peace, Inspiration, & Equality" Film Festival.
Two Awards :
1- Overall Oscar like Winner To Celebrate The United National Day Of Peace 2016. International Short Film Forgiveness.
2- International Award Of Outstanding Excellence.
 "Documentary & Short International Movie Award" Film Festival.
Two Awrads :
1- International Platinum Award Winner. International Short Film.
2- Directing.
Official Selection "Forgiveness" Short Movie.
Thank you Experimental Edge Film and Art Festival - C.E.F.F Tallahassee 2016.
United States - Tallahassee , Florida.
Official Selection . International Experimental Short.
" Forgiveness " Short Movie. 
 Monaco International Film Festival - 
14th Angel Film Awards 2016.
International Student Newcomer Woman Movie Awards ISENMA .
Bali - Jakarta
"Forgiveness" Short Movie .
5 Awards Winner : 

- Best Director Platinum Award Winner.

- Best Producer Platinum Award Winner.

- Best Production Designer Platinum Award Winner.

- Best Cinematography Platinum Award Winner.

- Best Writer Gold Award Winner
International Filmmaker Festival Of World Cinema Berlin
Official Selection "Forgiveness" Foreign Film Short.
 Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards LAIFFA 2016.
Hollywood - Los Angeles.
Official Selection "Forgiveness" Short movie.
 People Of Passion International Film Festival , P.O.P 2016.
Melbourne - Australia.
I crossed long distance & flew many oceans to be with you in your esteemed festival. I directed my short senior movie at The Holy Spirit University Of Kaslik - Lebanon ; which was my childhood's dream, referring to a core subject "Forgiveness". It's meant to prove that the basis of peace within ourselves and with others is to know how to forgive.
HATRED destroys humans like a volcano that never extincts. I hope i managed to convey my message of Peace & Harmony.
Yet, i emphasized the importance of Hypnotherapy to heal the wounded soul.

November 25, 2016


Systems of governmentSystems of government
Unitary-federal-confederation: definitionsUnitary-federal-confederation: defini...Federal Countries in the WorldFederal Countries in the World
and in the EU (and in the EU (in redin red))
1.1. ArgentinaAr...
Models of Federal CountriesModels of Federal Countries
• ““Classic” modelClassic” model: USA (1780), Switzerland (1848),: ...
Variety of federationsVariety of federations
• 25 countries and25 countries and 40% of world population40% of world popula...
Variety of FederationsVariety of Federations
• They vary as to theThey vary as to the name of the CUname of the CU : Repub...Variety of FederationsVariety of Federations
• Variations as to theVariations as to the residual powersresidual powers: In...
Basic characteristics of federal statesBasic characteristics of federal states
• Constitutionally guaranteed distribution ...Fundamental characteristics ofFundamental characteristics of
successfulsuccessful federal democraciesfederal democracies
Advantages of Federal statesAdvantages of Federal states
1.1. Distribution of powerDistribution of power:: The classicalTh...
Disadvantages of federal statesDisadvantages of federal states
1.1. Lack of uniformity:Lack of uniformity: The CUs’ autono...
4.4. It can lead to duplicationIt can lead to duplication of government andof government and
inefficient, over-lappin...
• Federalism isFederalism is not a panaceanot a panacea and it does not solve alland it does not so...
• AA great challengegreat challenge for many countries facing separatistfor many countries facing separatist
threats, rema...

What does the Bible say about Christian tithing? Should a Christian tithe?"

Answer: Many Christians struggle with the issue of tithing. In some churches giving is over-emphasized. At the same time, many Christians refuse to submit to the biblical exhortations about making offerings to the Lord. Tithing/giving is intended to be a joy and a blessing. Sadly, that is sometimes not the case in the church today.

Tithing is an Old Testament concept. The tithe was a requirement of the Law in which the Israelites were to give 10 percent of the crops they grew and the livestock they raised to the tabernacle/temple (Leviticus 27:30;Numbers 18:26Deuteronomy 14:242 Chronicles 31:5). In fact, the Old Testament Law required multiple tithes—one for the Levites, one for the use of the temple and the feasts, and one for the poor of the land—which would have pushed the total to around 23.3 percent. Some understand the Old Testament tithe as a method of taxation to provide for the needs of the priests and Levites in the sacrificial system.

After the death of Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, the New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system. The New Testament nowhere designates a percentage of income a person should set aside, but only says gifts should be “in keeping with income” (1 Corinthians 16:2). Some in the Christian church have taken the 10 percent figure from the Old Testament tithe and applied it as a “recommended minimum” for Christians in their giving. 

The New Testament talks about the importance and benefits of giving. We are to give as we are able. Sometimes that means giving more than 10 percent; sometimes that may mean giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the body of Christ. Every Christian should diligently pray and seek God’s wisdom in the matter of participating in tithing and/or how much to give (James 1:5). Above all, all tithes and offerings should be given with pure motives and an attitude of worship to God and service to the body of Christ. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Question: "Does the teaching on tithing in Malachi 3:9-10 apply to us today?"

Answer: Malachi 3:9-10 is often used to teach the need for Christians to tithe to local churches today. That passage reads, “You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” Does this teaching apply to Christians today?

First, the context of this passage concerns the Israelites not bringing their offerings to the temple. Because of their disobedience, God had judged them with a small harvest. The Lord challenged them to bring the “full tithe” of grain sacrifices (Leviticus 6:14-23) and see that He would bless them with an abundance of future crops. The “storehouse,” mentioned in verse 10, is a place to store grain in the temple.

Second, this passage teaches that the Jews were to give a tithe as part of the temple worship, but it does not teach that Christians are to give to churches. Malachi was written more than 400 years before the start of the first church in Jerusalem. Applying its command of temple giving to the local church takes these verses out of their original context.

Are New Testament Christians commanded to tithe or not? To be clear, a tithe is literally a “tenth,” or 10 percent. Abraham gave a tenth of all he had to the priest of Salem in Genesis 14:20. Later, the Mosaic Law included commands to give a tenth for tabernacle worship. Tithing is mentioned 18 times in the Law, as the people were to share their produce and livestock to support the Levites, the caretakers of the tabernacle. This same system of tithing would later be applied to the temple (2 Chronicles 31:5).

Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of His day, saying, “But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb, and neglect justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others” (Luke 11:42). These Pharisees obeyed the Law of Moses in that they tithed scrupulously, yet did not truly love God. They were challenged to do both.

The Law was fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:17). When the church began to grow beyond the Jewish people and reach Gentiles, leaders struggled with whether or not to command these new believers to follow the Mosaic Law. In the end, only a few instructions were given for the sake of peace, but tithing was not among them (Acts 15:19-21).

The principle in the New Testament is to give voluntarily to support the needs of others (Acts 2:45Romans 15:25-27), support Christian workers (1 Corinthians 9:11-121 Timothy 5:18), and expand Christian outreach (Philippians 4:15-16). No specific amount is ever commanded, and no percentage is suggested. While a tithe or tenth of one’s finances may be a good standard to use for Christian giving, it is clear the early church did not focus on a specific amount but rather on meeting needs. This sometimes included giving much more than a tenth, as some believers sold homes or land to meet the needs that existed in the church (Acts 4:34-37).

November 10, 2016

The 20 Most Damning Revelations From WikiLeaks part one

WikiLeaks' releases this election season have produced damning evidence of Hillary Clinton's criminality, including her cozy relationship with child traffickers and her involvement in the deaths of several individuals.

WikiLeaks has certainly made this year’s US presidential election very interesting. The non-profit organization for government transparency has released thousands upon thousands of emails from the Democratic National Committee as well as Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta. The revelations from these leaked emails and documents have been truly astounding with far-reaching implications. Below is a list of the 20 most damning revelations exposed by recent WikiLeaks releases.

1. Stratfor Employees Say Hillary Had Vince Foster Killed

A WikiLeaks email from Stratfor employees has implicated Hillary in the murder of at least one individual. Stratfor is a global intelligence agency whose clientele include major corporations as well as the US federal government. One Stratfor employee said in an email “I though Vince Foster was the only person the Clinton’s killed. How naive I was.” Though Vince Foster’s death in 1993 has been officially labeled a “suicide,” newly released FBI documents on the case show that the FBI found that “none of the bullets found were fired from Foster’s gun,” including the bullets that killed him. This clearly shows that Foster’s death was NOT a suicide. In addition, the Stratfor employee’s comment “how naive I was” suggests that the Clinton’s involvement in the deaths of others is known to the intelligence community. This correlates with the extensive evidence showing that people who work against the Clintons often wind up dead.


2. Hillary Used Her Influence to Protect Convicted Child Traffickers

Hillary has apparently been using her influence to cover up the dirty deeds of corporations and individuals who donate to her campaign, even if they are convicted child traffickers. In one such case, DynCorp, whose parent company donated over $40,000 to Clinton’s campaign, hired a 15 year old male stripper in Afghanistan to dance for them. Hillary was forwarded an article being written about he incident and successfully lobbied for all mention of the boy to be removed from the article. WikiLeaks also revealed that Clinton helped cover up for Laura Silsby, who was caught trying to steal 33 children from Haiti who were not even orphans and had families.

3. Hillary Directed Her Maid to Print Classified Material Numerous Times

While serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton regularly asked her maid, Marina Santos, to print out sensitive government emails and documents, including several that contained classified information. However, her housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material, but nonetheless was called on repeatedly to print confidential documents at Clinton’s DC residence. The FBI confirmed this as do numerous leaked emails. Clinton also frequently forwarded classified emails to her butler/property manager Oscar Flores, who also printed emails and documents for Clinton despite having no security clearance to do so.

4. Obama Lied: He Knew About Hillary’s Private Email Server and Wrote to Her Using a Pseudonym; Clinton Aides Tried to Cover it Up

President Obama was publicly asked if he knew anything about Hillary Clinton’s private email server, which she used while serving as Secretary of State. He denied every knowing about it, saying that he learned about the whole incident when it was first reported on by the mainstream media. However, WikiLeaks have proven this to be an outright lie as Obama not only knew of Clinton’s use of a private server, he also corresponded with her private email address using a pseudonym. Cheryl Mills, a Clinton aide and lawyer, said in an email that “we need to clean this up – he has emails from her – they do not say” Another longtime Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, exclaimed “how is this not classified?” when the FBI showed her the email correspondence between Clinton and Obama.

5. Hillary Willingly Took Money From Nations She Knew Were Funding ISIS

True Activist previously covered this bombshell email from WikiLeaks where Clinton herself admits that the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.” Clinton has received millions upon millions of dollars from these same governments over the years despite openly admitting that they fund terrorism. In addition to funding terrorist organizations, Saudi Arabia and Qatar throw LBGTQ people off of buildings, persecute non-Muslims, and legalized the rape and beating of women. It is estimated that Saudi Arabia has funded as much as 20% of Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Image result for hillary clinton

6. Hillary Connected to DNC-Sponsored Group Who Incited Violence at Trump Rallies

WikiLeaks, along with Project Veritas, exposed that high level Clinton staffers as well as Clinton-aligned super PACs were paying people to incite violence at Trump rallies, even paying the homeless and mentally ill to agitate Trump supporters. Undercover video footage confirms that they were behind a riot in Chicago that injured numerous police officers. They also convinced their “protestors” to pretend to be Bernie Sanders supporters while actively engaging in violent tactics. Bob Creamer, the man behind this behavior, said that the campaign knew everything. Creamer visited the White House 340 times over the last 8 years, meeting with the President himself 45 of those times.

7. Clinton Campaign Wants “Unaware” and “Compliant” Citizens

In a leaked email previously covered by True Activist, Bill Ivey, an advisor to the Clinton campaign, discussed how the US political elite have “all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry.” He went on to say that “the unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking.” This email has truly dark implications regarding the US political system as well as how the US political elite view everyday Americans.

8. King of Morocco “Donated” $12 Million to Clinton Foundation for Access to Hillary, Morocco Received Weapons 6 Months Later

After announcing her candidacy for the presidency, Clinton accepted a $12 million donation via the Clinton Foundation from the King of Morocco in exchange for a meeting with her. Leaked emails revealed that this “pay to play” deal was “HRC’s idea,” spurring one of her closest aides to say “She created this mess and she knows it.” Only a few months after this meeting, a $157 million weapons deal was made between the US and Morocco.

9. Hillary Has Different “Public” and “Private” Positions on Policy

As True Activist previously reportedthe leaked transcripts of Hillary’s paid speeches to big banks and other organizations exposed that she has distinct opinions on policy when she is in public and when she is not. For example, Clinton is privately pro-fracking but publicly against it. She is also privately against gay marriage but publicly supports it. This is essentially proof that Clinton lies to the public repeatedly, a fact even her staff has admitted in other leaked emails.

10. Hillary Tries to Hide her Tiny Rallies

Leaked emails show that attendance at Clinton’s rallies was so dismal that a policy was put in place by Clinton’s campaign to hide this fact from the public. If less than 100 people came, cell phones and the press were prohibited. If over 100 people attended, then cell phones were allowed but TV cameras were prohibited. One print pooler would then be escorted for her remarks only and then removed. Confiscating cell phones from attendees is unprecedented, but was the only way for Clinton’s campaign to prevent people from exposing the low turnout at her rallies. However, evidence of the low turnout leaked out regardless, to the embarrassment of the Clinton campaign and the media outlets that worked to cover it up.

November 9, 2016


It shouldn't come as a surprise the rising Cameroon film industry has been resonating around Africa with some calibrated frequency that other film making nations in the mother continent eye brows been on wink of surprise with the quality of crafted strong charismatic dynamic energetic young vibrant actress that are spear heading out of the Cameroon film industry.
To the best of my observation as we rounding up with 2016, the entry of 2017 seems to be a bright year that will bring more movie surprises into the Cameroon film industry. The are some hidden diamonds around the manyu division in the southwest  region of Cameroon. when we talk about the unknown to be known .
she is beauty with brains , she has a refine polish accent and vocal that a sound recordist on set with a boommic will be smiling as her voice frequency resonate inside the headphone, she  has  the talent , the passion and the drive while her future inside the Cameroon film industry looks bright . she is one of the rare crop of the acting craft that  casting directors will not hesitate to go for in any audition.
Apart of just acting she is a  certified nurse and she do work full time , with all her tight up busy schedule she still get active with her career goals .
Clarah Abunaw riding on 26years of age ,an outstanding actress and screenplay writer ,join the movie industry in 2015 has been feature in 3movies , like  FEAR GOD ,produce by Eyong Tiki and directed by Gabriel Takor in 2016  , DEMONS IN THE LAND,produce by Innoma Omalicha and directed by Gabriel Takor  and AMBITIOUS SISTERS  produce by King Lesly still directed by Gabriel Takor

more photos of clarah on set 

movie posters 

Another Fight? Kaffy Attacks Davido For Being So Arrogant

This year 2016 started with fight in Nigeria's entertainment industry and from the look of things it's going to continue till the end of the year, as another one has started.

Popular dance queen Kaffy has lashed out at Davido for firing his dancers at the last minute after they rehearsed for his show. She recorded an angry video where she slammed the singer and other artistes who she said take dancers for granted. Her words below...
It's alright if artiste don't need us. We are artistes ourselves. It is very disrespectful for you to look down at and trample on people who in one way or the other contribute to where u are today. Dance is our widows mite to a lot of your careers. All u need to do is respect us. 
Even other people under you suffer ur arrogance from stylist to band men. 
This message is for those of you that disrespectfully disregard us dancers especially.
Davido if u don't want dancers express it way before U agree to allow them dance than when u about to climb the stage u decide u don't need us again. Or tell dancers not to come near u while u perform. wtf. 
It's not ur fault we have learnt our lesson and we thank arrogant artiste like u as this will not continue for long. 

Nowadays artiste take a piss. People pay a lot of money to see u come out and give a good show it requires more than u jumping all over the place with no content. Even some artiste in other countries who perform alone still plan their craft. They practice, they rehearse, they are never tired of doing better than their last. But here most don't care only few...[and she mentioned the names of the few who care]

Kim and Kanye have fired longtime bodyguard Pascal Duvier one month after Paris robbery

Just one month after Kim K was robbed in her Paris hotel by a group of men who made off with $11million worth of jewels, the bodyguard who was tasked to take care of her, Pascal Duvier, has been sacked. Pascal, who has been with the Kardashian family since 2012, was reportedly sacked this week by Kim and her husband, Kanye.
According to Entertainment Tonight, Pascal wasn't the only one who was let go. "Pascal, along with a couple other security members of their team, were recently let go by Kim and Kanye. It's a pretty tough situation overall and they love Pascal, but they couldn't take any more chances.' a source told ET. Kim now moves around with off-duty police officers.

#Help Emily Get To Hive; A Global Leadership Program

Emilia Miki fondly called Emily Miki is the Founder/CEO of Denis Miki Foundation a nonprofit organisation which was founded on the 30th of December, 2013 and was duly authorized by Prefectural order number 163/G.37/D14/VOLI/SAAJP on the 19th of May, 2015. DMF’s missions are to contribute to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and community development by empowering the people and their communities. As an Associate Fellow of The Royal Commonwealth Society, a World Pulse Voices of Our Future Leader and the Female National Peace Ambassador of NewSETA-NED REPAIR, I have as vision to connect women and girls to their capacities, engage them in community and volunteering activities, build vibrant, gender equitable communities where all are able to realize their full potential.

She just won a partial scholarship of $1000 to attend Hive, A Global Leadership Program for CEOs. The Hive Global Leaders Program (GLP) is a 3-day immersive workshop on leadership, entrepreneurship, and innovation for purpose-driven leaders held at the Innovation Hangar at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Alumni of the program become Hive Global Leaders and enter into a lifelong community of purpose-driven innovators working together on creating a better world while supporting each other in their careers. Over 900 alumni from 95 countries have come through our first eight Hive Global Leaders Programs. More about Hive can be found at
 She currently launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds she needs for her travel and hotel expenses at Indiegogo at . Attending Hive will take Emily’s skills to the next level and give her the tools to impact not just thousands, but millions in Cameroon and around the world. Also attending this Global Leadership Program will have the following impact in our communities when she returns home;  
 1  Create a platform for more partnerships and economic investors in development projects in Cameroon.       
2 Provide a platform to sign MOUs with CEOs of World leading companies and nonprofits organisations like Google and Facebook and secure the possibility of joint implementation of innovative developmental projects that will help in developing the poor urban and rural communities and people of Cameroon, whom are served by her Foundation

With the situation of our beloved Cameroon it is time we help support the proven good works of young and dynamic leaders back home like Emily here. So why wait when you can actually help Emily gain all the experience from the world’s leading CEOs and bring those experiences back home to develop the Cameroon we are crying out for?
It’s time to take action now by donating, spreading the word and reaching out to our friends, colleagues and family members to donate what they can at .