She has been such an enormous inspiration to many upcoming female film makers in her home country lebanon. with her present movie FORGIVENESS that has channel her through various top notch world class movie festivals around the world .she is a force to be reckon with as far as film making is concern . you can never tell how deep is her inspirations and talent until you watch the FORGIVENESS .Check out the trailer!

The ripped jeans nation blog happen to meet with this outstanding filmmaker while she was on another short film festival in Buea South west Region of Cameroon. now lets get to find out more about this film-making talents of such a high magnitude that her short film continues to resonate around every festival around the world that her film penetrated. viewers and audience are always in the OMG mode when watching her movie. even i myself was in total suspense with just the trailer.
Rima has won multiple awards this 2016 which looks like she is a nonstop movie making train .
who is actually Rima Irani here is a flip page of her background why she is unique and originality speaks in her movie content and storytelling .
Filmmaker and Producer
- Lebanon fine Art.Theater performance and tv, previous work with Aljeezera media network, studied at national guild of hypnotist NGH, 18 years experience in theater performance and Tv, hair and make up artist with Aljeezera media network from January 2011 to July 2011(7 months) Doha Qatar, Air hostess with Kuwait Airline from November 2000 to 2002

- she hold a master degree in artistic make up, special effects and cinema
- graduated from lebanese film academy in cinematography,filmmaking, the workflow,lighting,color grading,from 2013 to 2015
- Milo beauty institute a master degree in aesthetic/esthetic and skincare specialist in 2006 to 2008. A hair stylist, body treatment specialist and design.
- she has just added another masters in cinema from Holy Spirit University this 2016 where she produce her forgiveness movie .

International Film Festival : Peace, Inspiration, & Equality" Film Festival.
Two Awards :
1- Overall Oscar like Winner To Celebrate The United National Day Of Peace 2016. International Short Film Forgiveness.
2- International Award Of Outstanding Excellence.
Two Awards :
1- Overall Oscar like Winner To Celebrate The United National Day Of Peace 2016. International Short Film Forgiveness.
2- International Award Of Outstanding Excellence.
"Documentary & Short International Movie Award" Film Festival.
Two Awrads :
1- International Platinum Award Winner. International Short Film.
2- Directing.
Two Awrads :
1- International Platinum Award Winner. International Short Film.
2- Directing.
Thank you Experimental Edge Film and Art Festival - C.E.F.F Tallahassee 2016.
United States - Tallahassee , Florida.Official Selection . International Experimental Short.
" Forgiveness " Short Movie.
Monaco International Film Festival -
14th Angel Film Awards 2016.
Monaco.International Student Newcomer Woman Movie Awards ISENMA .
Bali - Jakarta"Forgiveness" Short Movie .
5 Awards Winner :
- Best Director Platinum Award Winner.
- Best Producer Platinum Award Winner.
- Best Production Designer Platinum Award Winner.
- Best Cinematography Platinum Award Winner.
- Best Writer Gold Award Winner
International Filmmaker Festival Of World Cinema Berlin
Official Selection "Forgiveness" Foreign Film Short.
Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards LAIFFA 2016.
Hollywood - Los Angeles.
Official Selection "Forgiveness" Short movie.Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards LAIFFA 2016.
Hollywood - Los Angeles.
People Of Passion International Film Festival , P.O.P 2016.
Melbourne - Australia.

HATRED destroys humans like a volcano that never extincts. I hope i managed to convey my message of Peace & Harmony.
Yet, i emphasized the importance of Hypnotherapy to heal the wounded soul.
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